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Why so serious?!?!

Here at JEM Information Technologies we like to have fun and laugh! Here are some REALLY bad tech Dad jokes, funny (but informative) Cybersecurity videos, and other stuff to make you smile.  Remember, one of our core values is FUN! What good is life without some laughs along the way! 


Lets have some fun! 

Take a couple minutes and watch some funny cybersecurity videos, read a couple jokes, and most importantly learn something while haveing FUN!

What are your employees clicking on?

Did you just win a luxury cruise? Clicking links in emails can't be bad right!


Don't listen to Doug!!

Never lose a password again!

I mean, seriously?  This was a real thing! The sad part is I'm sure some of your employees and family members are doing the same thing right now!


Internet Password Reminder

What's your password?

What's your password?  Doesn't take much to find out from most people!


Jimmy Kimmel on the streets

And now for the jokes!

How does a computer get drunk?  It takes screen shots!


What do you call a computer mouse that swears alot?  A cursor!


Why did the PowerPoint presentation cross the road?  To get to the other slide!


I just got fired from my job at the keyboard factory.  They said I wasn't putting in enough shifts!

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